Kids' Book
My finances are in pretty bad shape which is why I'm trying not to go to too many clubs these days (man, does that sound weird coming from ME!). I thought of a few ways to make some bread and the best was to write a children's book (the worst was to go to a club and buy drinks for everyone). I am going to serialize this book, hopefully in Vanity Fair or Harper's, but I will start out here to build a fan-base. Here goes nothing, eleventhstreetclubbingblog fans!
The Kids Go To A Club
Part 1. What Should We Do Today?
"What should we do today, Rax?" asked Cody. Cody was 10, but he could pass for 7 if the occasion warranted.
"Let's do our homework and then maybe relax?" said Rax, with glasses.
"Gag!" screamed Cody, although he did not actually gag. "What food is here in your kitchen?"
"Maman said not to touch the food before dinner," sniveled Rax. "Isn't there anything else you'd like to do?"
"Unless..." said Cody.
Come by tomorrow for Part 2. Thanks.
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