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Well, this is a big surprise for me writing this and for the literally hundreds of you reading this. It's a little embarrassing, but I haven't had any time to work on this blog for a couple months because I've been working so hard on the eleventhstreetclubbingblog newsletter that goes out to subscribers. I send out the newsletter about once every two weeks, and it is exhausting. It involves a lot of InCopy/InDesign sort of bullshit, etc. but no need to go into that hereāit's all covered in the newsletter. Those of you who receive the updates about the blog via newsletter, I hope you enjoy them, and that it's all worth it. I look forward to reading your comments/reciprocal newsletters.
Ha. "But what about the clubs?!" you're thinking. Rightly so. Little known fact: is it easier to get a girlfriend at a club, or at a, say, Jack Johnson concert? The answer may surprise you: both. It is easy to get a girlfriend at both of those venues, but only one offers the dual promises of a girl and the clubbing experience. Oh, also, run out to stores now and you can pick up my new book: Clublife, by Rob.
QUIK QUIZ: Did you know that Jack Johnson is white? He is a white man.